Name: Kimberly Poole
Business Name: More Amour Boutique, 1130 Chapel Street, New Haven
Year Business was started in New Haven: 2019
Why did you start your own business?
My passion for fashion ignited my journey into entrepreneurship. Having started as a buyer and visual merchandiser, I witnessed multiple stores closing and felt compelled to ensure a destination for exquisite, distinctive fashion. This, combined with the desire for autonomy, led me to establish my boutique, merging my expertise with my love for fashion.
Why did you choose to start your business in New Haven?
Choosing New Haven for my inaugural store was a deliberate decision. Beyond its vibrant culture and ties to my husband’s roots, the city’s affiliation with Yale University further enriched its appeal. The supportive environment for local businesses, coupled with the city’s diverse artistic scene and connection to such a prestigious institution, made it the perfect setting to launch my boutique.”
What challenges did you have to overcome in starting your business?
Establishing More Amour boutique in New Haven presented multifaceted challenges. As an outsider to the community, gaining familiarity and earning the trust of locals proved to be a significant hurdle, especially in a place where personal connections hold substantial value. Additionally, opening during the pandemic posed its own set of formidable obstacles. However, we navigated these challenges by persistently paving our own way, ultimately overcoming the odds and solidifying our presence despite being newcomers and the adverse circumstances of the pandemic.