Photos are of Elaine of Petals Market.
Owner: Gideon Gebreyesus
Business Name: Petals Market, 100 Ashmum Street, New Haven
Year Business was started in New Haven: 2019
Why did you start your own business?
The area is known as a food desert, and the business was open to fill the void with the collaboration of Yale and ConnCAT/ConnCORP. To serve the Town and Gown.
Why did you choose to start your business in New Haven?
We have a vested interest in New Haven and do a lot of work in the Dixwell and Newhallvile communities, so it is a perfect fit. Down the street, we have ConnCAT, Which has been training people
What challenges did you have to overcome in starting your business?
Having been in the business, it was easy once we got everything in order. All stakeholders were on the same page. We got hit with Covid-19. It was challenging, but we got through it.