WYBC & Yale University celebrate KoolBreeze Jamerican Cuisine Restaurant

WYBC & Yale University celebrate KoolBreeze Jamerican Cuisine Restaurant

Name:  Andrea Stone

Business Name:  KoolBreeze Jamerican Cuisine Restaurant, 1400 Whalley Avenue, New Haven

Year Business was started in New Haven:  2019

Why did you start your own business? 

I wanted to let the community know that there’s real authentic Jamaican food out there, plus my love of cooking and appreciation of a good home cooked meal.

Why did you choose to start your business in New Haven? 

I chose New Haven, because I live in NH, love New Haven, and the diverse cultures in New Haven would definitely appreciate my meals.

What challenges did you have to overcome in starting your business? 

The business started in Oct of 2019, so that means with only a couple of months in, just like that COVID hit.. we had to re-adjust and revamp and stayed prayed up.

Photos courtesy of KoolBreeze Jamerican Cuisine Restaurant