Hometown Recycling Day for New Haven residents and students!
Did you know that only 36% of the current amount of waste in CT is recycled, reused or reduced? Citizens of New Haven can help change that AND recycle their unwanted items at no charge!
Host: The New Haven Solid Waste and Recycling Authority is hosting and sponsoring this MAJOR one day event.
Time and Date: Saturday, April 5th from 9 a.m – 12 p.m
at: Truman School, 114 Truman Street in New Haven
New Haven Residents and students may drop off:
- ELECTRONICS (t.v.’s, cell phones, monitors, stereos, printers, and wires)
- TEXTILES (clothing, shoes, belts, hats, handbags) (dry and in plastic bags)
- DOCUMENTS (sensitive papers to be shredded)
- BOTTLES & CANS REDEEMED (plastic bottles and aluminum cans)
Goal: Hometown Recycling Day is an opportunity for citizens of New Haven and students to conveniently recycle unwanted items and at the same time serves to help Connecticut achieve it’s current goal of diverting 60% away from the municipal solid waste stream. Not only is this a collection event, it is also an occasion to learn about what we can do to make our world a more sustainable and better place to live, as well proper household hazardous waste disposal and best practices for curbside recycling.
Only 12% of unused electronics are recycled currently in the U.S.
Only 15% of textiles (clothing, etc.) are recycled annually. 50,000 mattresses are discarded and not recycled every day in the U.S.
Partners in the event: Take 2 Electronics Recycling, The Connecticut Mattress Recycling Council and ByeBye Mattress, Helpsy, and File Shred.
Information Participants in the event:
New Haven Department of Parks and Public Works – curbside
recycling (info only)
HazWaste Central – Household Hazardous Waste (info only)
Paint Care – where to recycle your unwanted paint (info only)
Learn More: For further information about Hometown Recycling Day, visit nhswra.com
or contact: The New Haven Solid Waste and Recycling Authority at 203-691-5374
[email protected]