WYBC & Yale University celebrate Westville Seafood

WYBC & Yale University celebrate Westville Seafood

First & Last Name:  Dave Austin

Business Name:  Westville Seafood, 1514 Whalley Avenue, New Haven

Year Business was started in New Haven: 2008

 Why did you start your own business? 

In the past, I used to own bars, but I really wanted to own a business that was family oriented.

Why did you choose to start your business in New Haven? 

I grew up around the area, so I was comfortable with the neighborhood.

What challenges did you have to overcome in starting your business? 

The hardest part was finding the right people to run the day-to-day operations.  I had the concept, I had the building, I just needed a good team to hire.

Photos courtesy of Westville Seafood